Astrology Angel Magick - Sun in Taurus
Planetary Archangels and Zodiac Angels for High Angelic Magick
Happy birthday Taurus! The Sun’s ingress into
the Sign of Taurus this week is a birthday blessing for The Bull. Taurus is the
natural Second House of money and possessions and this affects everyone in your
Second House so knowing what planet your natal chart shows was present in your Second
House at the time of your birth as well as current planetary placements in this
Zodiac House will give you a heads up on what you can expect when the Archangel
of The Sun that is Michael, Prince of Angelic Hosts, enters into the
Astrology House of Taurus corresponding to the Zodiac Angel Asmodel.
This gives you the sense of being secure in the
constancy of that which you have already chosen as well as built for yourself
and those you care about. What you have, what you’ve stored, all the
commitments you make are reassessed and appreciated by you at this time. Being
Fixed Earth, you are famously down to earth languishing in all the comforts and
sensual pleasures life has to offer. Whether you create an extravagant banquet
for consumption or lure your beloved into a deeper more meaningful relationship
with romantic subtleties, you make everyone around you happy because even when
you’re depressed, you manage to relax and entertain those around you making you
an invaluable significant other, collaborator, family member, or friend. Love interests
may become frustrated and impatient due to your deliberate and practical
approach to romance but if they can stay the long course of meaningful
relationship then happiness is the great prize they can expect.
Tarot Card Associated with Taurus: "The Hierophant"
Tarot Card Associated with Taurus: "The Hierophant"
Cosmological Event:
April 20 thru May 21 Sun in Taurus
Sun ingress Taurus The Bull
**The Sun ingress the sign of Taurus stabilizes,
comforts, and reassures those who conscientiously apply their skills and/or
intellect to their trade and to the important people in their lives. Your
Venusian attributes are illuminated by Sol’s journey through the sign of Taurus
so be sure to pay attention to where your Venus is placed both in your natal
chart as well as currently.
(The Sun/Michael) Exposes the many blessings
you have received to both yourself and others assuring you great abundance in
the future afforded you from God’s bountiful storehouses giving gifts a-plenty to
the inhabitants of the realm the natural Second House of money and possessions
in the sign of (Taurus/Asmodel)
Astrology Angel Magick Evocations:
Evocation for The Sun in Taurus
Archangel Correspondences:
Sun/Michael/GOD THE SON/Frankincense, Clove;
Citrine, Sunstone, Ruby, Yellow or Orange diamond/Resh/Psalm
11:7 (DRB) The Light is sweet, and it is delightful for the eyes to see the
17:2 (DRB) And he was transfigured before them. And his face did shine as the
sun: and his garments became white as snow.
Angel Correspondences:
Taurus/Asmodel/Tribe of Ephraim (popular
association)/Myrrh, Plumeria, Sandalwood; Emerald/Vav/Psalm 119:41-48; *Note 1
- See Genesis Chapter 49 for Tribes of Israel correspondences. *Note 2 - The Tribe of Ephraim and the Tribe
of Manasseh make up the House of Joseph.
**Note 3 - Some associate the Tribe of Issachar or the Tribe of Simeon
with the Sign of Taurus as well as others attributing the Tribe of Judah or the
Tribe of Nephtali to The Bull. Obviously, the sign of Taurus and its
correspondence to the tribes of Israel continue to be greatly contested.
The Adept should use the Tribe of Israel correspondence
that best represents his or her expression of fixed earth for the invocation or
evocation of the Zodiac Angel of Taurus who is Asmodel. Calls to the Angelic
Realms should fill Adept’s sphere of sensation with the desired goal. This
attribute is more important than following any prescribed instruction though
tradition provides necessary as well as welcomed structure to any system of
Rosicrucian High Magick performed.
For The Tribe of Ephraim use the Book of Genesis
Chapter 48.
When attempting to prevail over enemies
recite Isaias (Isaiah) 49:26 (DRB) And I will feed thy enemies with their own
flesh: and they shall be made drunk with their own blood, as with new wine: and
all flesh shall know, that I am the Lord that save thee, and thy Redeemer the
Mighty One of Jacob.
To protect ones home and family recite the Psalm
associated with the Hebrew letter “Beth” meaning “house” or “tent” also
regarding “family.”
Psalm 119:9-16 (DRB) By what doth a
young man correct his way? by observing thy words.
With my whole heart have I sought
after thee: let me not stray from thy commandments.
Thy words have I hidden in my heart,
that I may not sin against thee.
Blessed art thou, O Lord: teach me
thy justifications.
With my lips I have pronounced all
the judgments of thy mouth.
I have been delighted in the way of
thy testimonies, as in all riches.
I will meditate on thy commandments:
and I will consider thy ways.
I will think of thy justifications:
I will not forget thy words.
Remember that words have the power
to kill as sure as any other form of weapon. Allow the ego (which is Ha-Satan)
to be destroyed at every moment of choice and watch all other facets of your
life blossom and bear fruit such as the refreshed spouting of the desiccated
rod of Aaron found in:
Numbers 17:8 (DRB) He returned on the following day, and
found that the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi, was budded: and that the
buds swelling it had bloomed blossoms, which spreading the leaves, were formed
into almonds.
Disclaimer: High Magick can be dangerous, intended exclusively for entertainment purposes.
*Pr. Rosemary's Rosicrucian Archangel Magick, Planetary and Zodiac Angel Magick Rites and Rituals are intended for the purpose of supporting the establishment of the Universal Kingdom of Christ Jesus through the light currents of Yahweh Asmodai Metatron (Shekinah, Thoth, Isis), Poseidon (Archangel Asariel), Apollo (Archangel Michael), and Zeus (Archangel Sachiel). Furthermore, it is our goal to encourage health of the universal organism expressed through the precise cosmological occurrences of God's great clock. Let all Light Workers act at each eternal moment towards peace and freedom for all sentient beings!
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperatrix; Hierophantia H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2016 Pastor Rosemary
©2016 The Astrology Angel
©2016 Readings by Rosemary
©2016 Reality Matrix Technologies
©2016 Pastor Rosemary
©2016 The Astrology Angel
©2016 Readings by Rosemary
©2016 Reality Matrix Technologies